Posts Tagged ‘Tim Dyke’
Men in leadership
Men in leadership – is there a crisis? What’s the issue? Do you really know where you stand today? Have you lost your way? Do you know where you fit in? There has been a lot of justifiable concern about how some men in leadership positions have inappropriately treated women (I’m referring here to campaigns…
Read MoreAre you in control?
Are you in control? We all like to feel we are in control. Thinking we are in control is certainly better than believing that we are not in control and thinking that the world is in control of us! But I must admit to changing my thinking about the words I use in talking about…
Read MoreIs your organisation resilient?
Is your organisation resilient? Denyer (2017) at BSI and Cranfield School of Management investigated the evidence on organisational resilience. Some important take-outs: organisational resilience resilience is ‘the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond and adapt to incremental change and sudden disruptions’ organisational resilience ‘involves changing before the cost of not changing becomes too great’…
Read MoreHow do we run leadership programs that are evidence-based?
How do we run leadership programs that are evidence-based? Based on a meta-analysis(1) by Lacerenza and others (2017), leadership programs do lead to improvements in organisational results. To get results, though, we need to use multiple delivery methods and multiple sessions, hold programs on-site, require mandatory attendance, provide as much training as possible and include…
Read MoreIs your organisation hitting its targets?
Is your organisation hitting its targets? The recent Study of Australian Leadership survey showed that many Australian organisations are underperforming – their leaders and managers don’t know the basics of business and they are not innovative enough to survive in the global marketplace. More than 40 per cent of organisations did not meet their performance targets for return on…
Read MoreAre you losing the art of conversation?
Are you losing the art of conversation? Really great to present to an enthused group of Canberrans recently at our Thank Gods It’s Monday event. We all learn from these experiences – one thing I learned was to be reminded how important conversations are, particularly connected ones. Maybe you’ll like the quote I read recently –…
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