tools for thinking

Why reflect? “We do not learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience.” American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer John Dewey (1933:78) If there is one common denominator amongst all of my current coaching clients that is producing powerful personal and professional change at varying levels of leadership, it is this:  Quite simply, the…

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Success stories

Uninspired? The Big 5 executive coaching strategies Executive Coaching takes on a number of tasks but most assignments fall into 2 categories: Developing high potential executives and Facilitating a transition into a new position or upwards into a more senior role Coaching is less about fixing problem behavior rather more about enhancing the performance of…

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Cultivating criticism through coaching We all know that feedback is crucial as a means of measuring how we are performing, being perceived and to help us develop. Yet we have a love-hate relationships with it; we love hearing were doing well and are on track for the next promotion and yet hate it when it…

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Delloitte Women in Consulting - Executive Presence Workshop

So what’s the big deal about executive presence? The concept of “executive presence” is getting quite a lot of chatter around it as a development for leaders getting to the next rung.  The problem is that most people don’t even know what the heck it is but rather it falls into the “I’ll know it when…

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