Posts Tagged ‘Pat Skalsky’
Modern Mentoring
Modern Mentoring “There’s more than one way to skin a cat, my father used to say; it bothered me, I didn’t see why they would want to skin a cat even one way.” – Margaret Atwood And so it is with Mentoring Programs. No longer is the traditional model of ‘learned leader’ inspiring ‘aspiring leader’ the…
Read MoreWhy you would and why you wouldn’t
Why you would (that’s easy) and why you wouldn’t introduce a Mentoring Program into your organisation “There’s nothing we take pride in more than watching people escalate their careers inside the company,” said Sam. “When we have great internal talent, we want to build that out.” A robust and effective mentoring program is a great…
Read MoreWhy some mentoring programs “fizzle”
Why some mentoring programs “fizzle” The five pillars of a successful mentoring program Mentoring Programs can be an extremely cost effective and valuable professional development intervention yet, there seem to be more stories and anecdotal evidence of mentor program ‘flops’ that successes. This is not because mentoring as a concept is flawed or “doesn’t work…
Read MoreGoing to the source of employee engagement
Going to the source of employee engagement Thank God It’s Monday (TGIM) is a research project, now in its fifth year, aimed at uncovering just what it takes to create a business that employees love to work for. We started the TGIM project looking for “leading indicators” of engagement – organizational characteristics (skills) that, if…
Read MoreUninspired? The Big 5 executive coaching strategies
Uninspired? The Big 5 executive coaching strategies Executive Coaching takes on a number of tasks but most assignments fall into 2 categories: Developing high potential executives and Facilitating a transition into a new position or upwards into a more senior role Coaching is less about fixing problem behavior rather more about enhancing the performance of…
Read MoreEveryone, always, has something to learn: An executive coaching case study (Part 2 of 2)
Everyone, always, has something to learn: An executive coaching case study (Part 2 of 2) And so our journey together began. From my point of view in the main I found Arif very coachable and by this I mean he really took on board the models I presented and would use them rigorously. It seemed…
Read MoreEveryone, always, has something to learn: An executive coaching case study (Part 1 of 2)
Everyone, always, has something to learn: An executive coaching case study (Part 1 of 2) When my colleague Vanessa Fudge introduced me to a new client, an ASX listed company, 16 months ago I couldn’t help but giggle. A Jewish girl was being asked to coach a South Asian practicing Muslim gentleman! This was going…
Read MoreCultivating criticism through coaching
Cultivating criticism through coaching We all know that feedback is crucial as a means of measuring how we are performing, being perceived and to help us develop. Yet we have a love-hate relationships with it; we love hearing were doing well and are on track for the next promotion and yet hate it when it…
Read MoreSo what’s the big deal about executive presence?
So what’s the big deal about executive presence? The concept of “executive presence” is getting quite a lot of chatter around it as a development for leaders getting to the next rung. The problem is that most people don’t even know what the heck it is but rather it falls into the “I’ll know it when…
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