Photo Submission Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Submitted by *FirstLastPhotographer nameFirstLastGenerally speaking it is polite to provide attribution for non-stock photos we publish. In many cases (for example images published under a Creative Commons licence) we are legally obligated to attribute the author. Image Upload *Max file size is 2Mb. If the file exceeds this please resize it before submitting. Images should ideally be 500 x 500 pixels or greater.Image description *Please provide some context for the image - i.e. where was it taken, what is it about, who appears in the image?Image captionIf you would like a specific caption to appear with the image please provide it here.Where would you like this photo to be displayed?AltusQ Facebook PageAltusQ LinkedIn PageAltusQ Twitter (@AltusQGrow)AltusQ InstagramKeep in mind that different images works best on different social media channels. For instance Facebook can be appropriate for more casual and even funny images while it's generally best to be more serious on LinkedIn. You'll get more leverage out of Twitter if you are an active Twitter user yourself. Instagram works best with "good" photos - i.e. no half-blurry "happy snaps" please.Image licensingIf you were the photographer please note that by submitting your photo here you are granting AltusQ a licence to use the photo as it sees fit. If you did not take the photo yourself it is your responsibility to ensure that the photographer has granted permission for AltusQ to use the image commercially. If the image was sourced from a stock photography library please provide evidence of an appropriate licence below.Photo sourced from:Name of the stock library (e.g. Getty Images, iStock, EyeEm, Adobe Stock, Shutterstock, 500px, Flickr, etc.) or "Private photo"Evidence of purchase or licence document (required for stock images)Invoice or licence document. Even "free" images are typically available under a licence of some form and we need to know the terms of that licence before we can use them. EmailSubmit [ Return to Coach Resources ]